The Twenty-fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Gesu Parish, Milwaukee Fr. Michael Simone, S.J., Pastor, Gesu Parish Paul Trzebiatowski, Director of Liturgy Dean Rosko, Director of Music and Organist Becky Ryan, Choral Director Dan Domrois, Cantor Today's Order of Worship may be found here: https://gesuparish.org/documents/2024... Today's readings may be found here: https://bible.usccb.org/daily-bible-r... Gesu's ministry to the Downtown Milwaukee Community depends upon your generosity - thank you for your support and your prayers. You may contribute securely here: https://secure.myvanco.com/L-Z6QV/home All music used with permission under One License #A-703641. All rights reserved. Thank you for praying with us today!