Traditional Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 7PM: The Prince of Peace (No Fear of Man) | His Gospel is Peace
Traditional Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, 2024 - 7:00 pm The Prince of Peace (No Fear of Man) | His Gospel is Peace On this holy night, we gather to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, who calms our deepest fears and brings hope to every heart. Isaiah’s prophecy of a Savior reminds us that true peace is not found in human strength or approval, but in the humble King who came to dwell among us. Tonight, we rejoice in the gift of Christ’s presence, finding freedom from fear and peace that lights up the darkest night. Scriptures: Isaiah 9:2, 6-7, Romans 5:1-5, Luke 2:1-20 (NIV) Preacher: Pastor John Scott Organist: Rachel Raphael Cellist: Kel Raphael Pianist: Phil Kuhn, Rachel Raphael Handbell Choir OSW Christmas Eve Services 3PM Family Service: https://youtube.com/live/aE7ZDFGDLsg?... 5PM Modern Service: https://youtube.com/live/GEp-wtuyGt4?... 7PM Traditional Service: https://youtube.com/live/2_yVf2txWdY?... Church Streaming and Podcast License: CSPL074439 Church Copyright License: 1456310 CCLI Account: 3223223 One License Account: A-724022