Trusting In God (Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time) (c. 2025)

Trusting In God (Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time) (c. 2025)

CTV Program A LIGHT FOR THE NATION Topic: Trusting In God (Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time) (c. 2025) Rev. Fr Solomon Uko Join us on the latest updates from Nigeria and around the World. Follow us on Facebook @Catholictelevisionofnigeria to join the conversations Subscribe and follow us on any of our social media handles for interesting stories from the church and around the world, especially as we prepare to launch to the DSTV and GOtv platforms. This is the official Facebook Page of the Catholic Television of Nigeria. Please subscribe to this official Catholic Television of Nigeria YouTube Channel, Facebook Page: Catholic Television of Nigeria, and Instagram Handle: ctv_nigeria to receive all Catholic event notifications from Nigeria. The celebrant for Masses on our channel for Sundays is Archbishop Ignatius Kaigama The Catholic Mass today is celebrated all around the world. Here in Abuja, we are pleased to provide online, daily Catholic Mass live or recorded in English to all Catholics and anyone interested in the Catholic faith. During Catholic Masses, it is not uncommon to hear a homily about Catholic teachings and Catholic answers to life’s questions. The Holy Mass is beautiful and stems from Jesus. Expect Catholic prayers, Catholic hymns (Christian songs) that come from 2000 years of tradition and practice. All are welcome.