Why Your Cervical Mucus Changes Every Month

Why Your Cervical Mucus Changes Every Month

Looking for another method to determine if you're ovulating? Check out your cervical mucus. Cervical mucus before your period and cervical mucus after ovulation are completely different. Nurse Heather describes the various stages of your cervical mucus throughout your menstrual cycle. Cervical mucus and ovulation are connected and will change depending on where you are in your cycle. Whether you're asking "What is cervical mucus?" or want to know more about ovulation and cervical mucus, Nurse Heather has everything you need. 📲 Download the free Premom Ovulation Calculator: https://l.premom.com/c/ytcm If you're looking for an ovulation kit, check out Premom's Ovulation predictor kit and pregnancy test strip combo at https://premom.com/collections/combo-... Premom's fertility experts dispense valuable advice and tips on getting pregnant fast on our many social media sites. 👉 Learn more at: https://premom.com/​ Follow us on - Facebook:   / premomfertility   Instagram:   / premomfertility   Twitter:   / premomfertility​   Pinterest:   / premomfertility   TikTok:   / premomapp