Bleeding in Early Pregnancy | Subchorionic Hemorrhage | Threatened Miscarriage | Ultrasound study

Bleeding in Early Pregnancy | Subchorionic Hemorrhage | Threatened Miscarriage | Ultrasound study

#ultrasoundcasefiles #bleedinginpregnancy #miscarriage This ultrasound video is of female came with history of per vaginal spotting. On ultrasound an 8 weeks 4 days alive fetus seen with peri-sac collection; suggestive of threatened miscarriage/abortion. Threatened miscarriage is when a pregnant woman in first 20 weeks of gestation presents with spotting, mild abdominal pain and contractions, with a closed cervical os. It occurs in 20-25% of pregnancies and is associated with an increased rate of fetal loss (15-50%, compared to 2-7%). Threatened miscarriage can go on to become any of: normal pregnancy ~50%, inevitable/incomplete/complete/missed miscarriage. Thanks for watching this video. Please like and subscribe this channel.