(협찬)더마독강아지사료! (Sponsored)dermadog puppy feed!
연구원이 만든 프리미엄 브랜드 더마독강아지사료를 협찬 받았습니다.^^ 슈가의 입맛에 딱~^^ 강아지가 먹기좋은 크기의 사료, 소분포장으로 위생적입니다. 더마독의 주원료! (관절체중조절사료)-초록잎홍합,글루코사민,콘드로이친,오리고기40% (피부모질건강사료)-연어오일,오메가3,콜라겐 (장건강소화사료)-프로바이오틱스,프락토올리고당,유카추출물,자몽종차추출물 더마독은 국제표준화기구 ISO 인증. 홀리스틱 1등급 사료. FDA미국식품의약국 등록, 국내를 넘어 해외까지 도약을 준비하는 프리미엄애견브랜드. 더마독 공식홈페이지 http://www.dermadog.co.kr/m/index.html? 강아지사료 더마독의 자세한 영상 A detailed video of dog food, Dermadog. • (협찬)연구원이 만든 프리미엄 브랜드 더마독강아지사료! (Spons... It was sponsored by the researcher's premium brand Dermadog puppy food.^^ It's perfect for Suga's taste. It is hygienic with feed and small distribution that are good for dogs to eat. The main ingredient of Dermadog! (Weight control feed)-Green leaf mussel, glucosamine, chondroichin, duck meat 40%. (Skin joint feed)Salmon oil, omega 3, collagen. (Intestinal health Digestive feed)-Probiotics, Factooligosaccharide, Yuka Extract, Grapefruit Tea Extract Dermadog is... ISO certification of the International Organization for Standardization. Holistic first-class dog food. A premium dog brand registered by the FDA as an American Food and Drug Administration and preparing to leap overseas beyond Korea. The Maddox official website. http://www.dermadog.co.kr/m/index.html? #강아지사료협찬 #강아지사료더마독 #더마독사료 #KoreandogfoodderMadog