Can You Really See The Great Wall from Space? #news #youtube #7in7information #china #nasa
On the 7 in 7 https://www.youtube.com/ @7in7information Can You Really See The Great Wall from Space? 00:30 - 01:09 Who hasn't heard that? The Great Wall of China can be seen from space. That's what we've all been taught, but it's completely wrong. The great Wall is a very tall but very narrow structure and its color is almost identical to the surrounding nature. Even NASA astronauts have repeatedly said, no, the Great Wall cannot be seen with the naked eye from space. But here's the funny thing. If you're really looking for man made things that can be seen from space, the lights of big cities or huge airports are much more visible. So if you go into space and dream of seeing the Great Wall of China, you might be disappointed. #didyouknow #nature #interestingfacts #7facts #7in7information #funfacts #didyouknow #YouTube #information #7minutes #unbelievabletruths #learnsomethingnew #NatureSecrets #sciencefacts #subscribe #news #shorts #shortvideo #science #spacefacts #astronomy #GreatWallMyth #debunkingmyths #spacemyths #CanYouSeeItFromSpace