Houseplant tour 2024! Over 100 rare and common plants in my small house
Welcome to my last plant tour in our almost 100-year-old Iowa home before we make the big move to Texas! It feels very bittersweet to be sharing this with you all. These 100+ plants have been such a big part of my life here, and I wanted to give you a final look at how they’ve grown and thrived in our cozy space. I hope you enjoy this tour as much as I’ve enjoyed caring for these plants over the years! YouTube videos mentioned: life update: • moving 1,000 miles to a place I've ne... thai constellation plant shopping: • Rare plant shop with me on a $100 bud... prepping for plant tour: • How to make your plants look great ri... recreating wedding flowers: • Recreating my wedding flowers in my g... plant dealer subscription box: • Surprise Plant Unboxing | My Favorite... plant of the year: • I bought the "it" plant of 2024 Midwest tropical show 2022 plant tour: • Spring 2022 Houseplant Tour | My Enti... Wild Fern (who gave me the cups in moss poles inspiration!): / @wildfern Plant products mentioned: Clear moss poles: https://a.co/d/hTKjQBJ Sphagnum moss: https://a.co/d/0Hiobfi Bird lamp in sunroom: https://a.co/d/5UOZ3Xe Fertilizer: https://amzn.to/3AIrsxs Instagram: @sloans_common_ground / sloans_common_ground Tik Tok: @slowheel https://www.tiktok.com/@slowheel?lang=en Email: [email protected] 0:00 Intro 0:53 Sunroom philodendron gloriosum monstera standleyana albo philodendron oxapapense philodendron florida ghost monstera lechleriana aglaonema chocolate syngonium albo syngonium confetti rhaphidophora decursiva anthurium crystallinum anthurium fingers variegated burle marx philodendron philodendron billietiae mini phalaenopsis orchid string of pearls anthurium silver blush anthurium veitchii heartleaf philodendron monstera subpinnata african violet painted lady philodendron monstera thai constellation variegated fiddle leaf fig hoya obovata orchid monstera standleyana aurea silver band maranta variegated hoya compacta philodendron white princess ponytail palm jade plant gollum’s ear christmas cactus variegated bear paw succulent variegated christmas cactus silver dollar vine variegated string of pearls cacti ficus lyrata bambino hoya macrophylla albo avocado tree syngonium three kings tradescantia yellow hill philodendron jose buono ficus tineke fiddle leaf fig goldfish plant hoya publicalyx splash philodendron subhastatum philodendron squamiferum philodendron splendid 47:48 dining room anthurium epipremnum skeleton key domino peace lily monstera adansonii 51:56 living room rattlesnake calathea pothos n’joy philodendron cream splash philodendron brasil dracaena warneckii begonia beefsteak marimo moss ball dracaena janet craig caladium lindenii 57:48 bathroom calathea orbifolia marble queen pothos manjula pothos 59:34 primary bedroom monstera deliciosa aglaonema pictum tricolor syngonium wendlandii variegated heartleaf philodendron syngonium pink splash philodendron summer glory philodendron white knight global green pothos golden pothos 1:07:03 outside banana tree spider plant ficus audrey bird of paradise 1:10:42 kitchen pilea peperomioides tradescantia yellow gem philodendron pastazanum 1:17:13 IKEA fabrikor greenhouse philodendron gloriosum variegated hoya heuschkeliana string of hearts silver glory string of hearts hoya compacta variegated? lipstick plant variegated amydrium zippelianum hoya australis lisa lipstick plant scindapsus argyraeus philodendron subhastatum pink princess philodendron 116. sansevieria pinguicula? samurai? philodendron melanochrysum epipremnum pinnatum albo 1:27:38 outro