Resident Evil 2 (PC) - All Scenarios, S Rank, Bonus Content (Seamless HD)

Resident Evil 2 (PC) - All Scenarios, S Rank, Bonus Content (Seamless HD)

Hello all, I have yet to see a full showcase of all the content in the Sourcenext version of Resident Evil 2, so I thought I'd do this myself. A few things to mention before you begin to watch the video. Timestamps: Leon A (Original Mode - Normal, S Rank) - 0:44 Claire B (Original Mode - Normal, S Rank) - 1:47:13 Claire A (Arrange Mode - Hard, S Rank) - 3:42:03 Leon B (Arrange Mode - Hard, S Rank) - 5:19:57 Hunk (S Rank) - 7:09:02 Tofu (S Rank) - 7:16:49 EX Battle LV. 1 - 7:24:40 EX Battle LV. 2 - 7:44:44 EX Battle LV. 3 - 8:10:37 Alternate Costumes - 8:30:44 Gallery - 8:32:50 The playthrough of the Original Mode (Leon A, Claire B), shows all pickups, files and map locations. I stop for brief moments when going through files in order to minimise overextending the run, please stop the video at these moments to read through the documents. The Claire A playthrough has one extra document (The one Annette gives you in order to develop the vaccine for Sherry). The Arrange Mode playthrough is based on the international version of the game, this features different item pick locations, so if you see me "miss" anything in the Original Mode playthrough, it's likely because it's an international pickup and not from the original JP version. The Rebirth Patch is used in this run to allow a smoother gameplay experience. Such features include a quickturn mechanic and forced auto-aim which will mainly be used in the Hard/Nightmare mode runs of Claire A and Leon B. This doesn't deviate too much from what would be achieved in a standard playthrough and is really just to showcase the benefits of the patch. The playthrough also utilises the Seamless HD patch which upscales everything in the game, from character models, to backgrounds and menus. There are some points where text will appear during the game to explain certain exploits/bugs/tricks, for example - Quickshotting and the Sub-Machine Gun Bug (Explained at 16:29 and 8:12:12 respectively). These points are very far and few between and shouldn't spoil the experience. Japanese subtitles cannot be removed from the FMV cutscenes unfortunately. This is a segmented playthrough, it is not designed to be a display of skill but rather to show what content is in the game, some speedrun strats are used but not often. As such there are a few moments where cutscenes are skipped as the viewer would have already seen this previously (Such as the intro cutscene explaining RE1, this will show in Leon A at the start of the playthrough but not in Claire A). I also skip the scenario A credits on purpose so the viewer isn't subjected to them constantly after completing a run, (plus the B scenario credits theme is far better!). The "Movie" section of the Gallery showcase at the end of the video isn't explored as these are showcased in the main run of each scenario. I don't delve into Easy Mode but in short, you are provided with more handgun ammo at the start, are provided with 3 First Aid Sprays when you reach the item box and enemies take less ammo to kill and deal less damage. S Rank is equivalent to an A rank in the international versions of the game. Also, follow me on Twitch! -   / iilewciferii