Subclinical Hypothyroidism reversal story

Subclinical Hypothyroidism reversal story

💫Here's how Pavaki reversed her Sub clinical Hypothyroidism. Before we go any further, its a condition in which your T3 & T4 values are in normal range. However, TSH Levels are above 4.5 mIU/L but below 104.5 mIU/L. This condition can be reversed without medicines, just with some dietary & lifestyle changes. ⬇️ Struggling with low energy levels, high Anti TPO & elevated TSH levels, her doctor recommended to work with a dietitian✨️, who can help her improve her TSH levels in a healthy way, as she is very young and won't suggest her medications. 🌱 At Diet Maestro, inside our 1-on-1 Program, we crafted a highly sciencd based📝, personalized meal plan and lifestyle changes. With our constant monitoring and support over 5-6 months, Pavaki's transformation is incredible🔥. Not only she achieved normal TSH levels, she also got her Anti TPO levels within range as a result of understanding her body's requirements & eating accordingly. She understood: • 🍲 Her macro & micro nutrients needs to manage TSH levels, • Included specific foods which improve Thyroid health such as sunflower seeds, brazil nuts, amaranth flour. • Improve her protein & non starchy vegetables intake, • The management of Portions, combinations & timings to control her cravings without giving up any of her favourite foods🌟 Looking to reverse the disease? Learn the method of eating which you can sustain for your whole life? 💫 Join our 1-on-1 COACHING PROGRAM today!! #subclinicalhypothyroidism #transformationtuesday #thyroid #thyroidhealth #thedietmaestro