How Did They Lift 70-Ton Stones in Ancient Egypt? | JRE #1897
Graham Hancock explores the mystery behind the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. He questions how the ancient Egyptians were able to transport and lift massive stones weighing up to 70 tons, some of which came from quarries hundreds of miles away. While Egyptologists have theories about using wet sand to move blocks, Hancock argues that this doesn't explain how such stones were moved to the King’s Chamber, 350 feet above the ground. #JoeRogan #GrahamHancock #GreatPyramid #AncientMysteries #PyramidConstruction #AncientEgypt #UnsolvedHistory #JREclips #JREhighlights #RoganOnRepeat #AncientEngineering #PyramidTheory #HistoryMysteries #StoneLifting #PodcastClips #Shorts #YouTubeShorts #AncientTechnology #LostCivilizations #MysteryOfThePyramids