Korean expression, “아이고, ... 죽겠네!” “Oh, I'm dying of ...”

Korean expression, “아이고, ... 죽겠네!” “Oh, I'm dying of ...”

0:34 피곤해 죽겠다: I'm dead tired 2:26 배고파 죽겠다: I'm starving 2:35 더워 죽겠다: I'm dying of heat 2:46 추워 죽겠다: I'm freezing to death 2:53 웃겨 죽겠다: I'm dying of laughter! 3:01 아파 죽겠다: I'm dying of pain 3:11 무서워 죽겠다: I'm scared to death 3:21 속상해 죽겠다: I'm upset to death 3:31 짜증나 죽겠다: I'm annoyed to death 3:40 Summary Feel free to leave a question or comment on the content of this video!