Kikuyu Catholic Mass Readings.Tuesday~Week 1,ordinary time.Year C.#ruthariurwathaciangai
#namnayakusalirozari #ruthariurwathaciangai #masomoyamisa #ruthariu #kanisakatoliki #mamakephoebemkatoliki #kanithagatoreki #mathomomamitha #mariamutheru #rozaritakatifu First reading Hebrews 2:5-12. The One who leads us to salvation the Angels are not placed as rulers over the new world to come man is superior to the creation, of which he is lord Jesus lived a truly human existence, lower than the Angels, in the days of His earthly life, suffering and death, now, crowned with glory and honour, He is raised above all creation Jesus leads us to salvation God made Jesus perfect through suffering, consecrated by obedient suffering having been perfected as High Priest, Jesus is able to consecrate His people access to God is made possible by each of these two consecrations Jesus is able to help human beings because He became one us, we are His brothers we are urged to praise the Lord joyfully in the midst of brethren Psalms 8:2ab&5.6.7b-9 ' You have given Your Son power, over all the works of Your hands. ' we should marvel over the greatness of God's glory though human beings are fragile and mortal, God has graciously bestowed them with great dignity n power Go has made man ruler of all He created let us be thankful to God Gospel Mark 1:21b-28 Jesus heals a man with an evil spirit Reflection today; Jesus went to Capernaum, and on the Sabbath He entered the synagogue and taught people were astonished at His teaching for He taught them as one having authority not as the scribes in the synagogue was a man with unclean spirit who cried out, asking Jesus what He had to do with them. He identified Jesus as the Holy One of God. Jesus rebuked him by commanding him to keep quiet and come out of him the unclean spirit convulsed him n with a loud cry came out of him the people were amazed, confessed they had not seen such, it was some new kind of teaching Jesus' fame spread everywhere throughout the whole region of Galilee • do we believe in Jesus power of healing • do we believe in Jesus' power to drive out demons • do we know that Jesus has authority and teaches with authority • an unclean spirit is the spirit which resists the Holiness of God • the unclean spirit knows n fears the power of Jesus to destroy its influence • the unclean spirit identified Jesus as the Holy One of God, not a confession but an attempt to word off Jesus power so as to gain mastery over Him • we should pray that God helps us discern the right spirit • we should seek medical help for the sick • we should take care of the sick • we are urged to do good works for they cannot be hidden (all that Jesus did spread far and wide) • we should be totally faithful to God Prayer; Heal all our ailments O Lord, and help us to serve You faithfully. Lord hear us. May you have a good, blessed and healthy Tuesday.