HOLY MASS: Saturday of week 34 in Ordinary Time - Year B, 27th November 2021

HOLY MASS: Saturday of week 34 in Ordinary Time - Year B, 27th November 2021

Mass coming to you from St. Denis Ssebugwawo Holy Cross Catholic Parish, Konge – Lukuli First Reading: Daniel 7: 15-27 Responsorial Psalm: Daniel 3: 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87 Alleluia: Luke 21: 36 Gospel: Luke 21: 34-36 For offertory, tithe, and donations payments follow the link: https://maalipay.maalicard.com/app/pa... MTN Mobile Money: 0775805853 (Francis Mukasa) TODAY WE REMEMBER St. Virgilius of Salzburg