Vibrational Power Flow: Awaken your energy with limpia rituals & intuitive exercises (witchy yoga)
The Awakening Ritual” is a powerful and transformative practice designed to prepare the mind, body, and spirit for an intense, high-energy flow. It begins with a sacred cleansing ritual using Florida Water to purify the self and space, followed by smoke cleansing to clear stagnant energy and create an open, intentional environment. This ritual invites participants to ground their minds by counting down from 100 to 0 three times, guiding the brain into an alpha wave state that enhances creativity, calmness, and focus. Elemental square breathing balances and harmonizes energy, connecting the physical and spiritual realms. Once grounded, participants set a personal intention or mantra, planting the seeds for manifestation and direction. The practice then moves into a challenging, dynamic flow designed to stoke powerful energy within the body, igniting inner fire and raising vibrations. This energy is meant to fuel your day, preparing you for significant events or spiritual practices like witchcraft, rituals, or spellwork. It’s a potent combination of physical intensity, spiritual cleansing, and energetic alignment, empowering participants to harness their energy with purpose and clarity, leaving them ready to channel their power in any endeavor. #yogibruja #witchyyoga #yogiwitch #yogawitch