Livostand OZ Tablets: Uses, Side Effects You Need to Know |

Livostand OZ Tablets: Uses, Side Effects You Need to Know |

Livostand OZ Tablets: Uses, Side Effects & Everything You Need to Know Levofloxacin & Ornidazole is an antibiotic drug used to treat bacterial infections. Levofloxacin OZ dose in is a second generation fluoroquinolone drug Levofloxacin is available in injection form, tabletform and eye drop form but in this video we will learn about levofloxacin tablet onley live ofloxacin tablet is is available in in 250 mg 500 mg 750 mg. levofloxacin in is a generic name of drug the popular brand names are... ✔️ Levoflox tablet ✔️ Leon tablet ✔️ Final tablet ✔️ Levoquin tablet ✔️ Glevo tablet ✔️ L-cin tablet. Levofloxacin tablet is used to treat many bacterial infections such as.... ✔️ Community Acquired Pneumonia ✔️ Bronchitis ✔️Tuberculosis ✔️ Sinusitis ✔️ Urinary tract infection ✔️ Catherine infection ✔️ Prostatitis ✔️ Pulvic inflammatory disease ✔️ Skin and soft tissue infections ✔️ traveller's diarrhoea and many other bacterial infections. Levofloxacin tablet side effects are... ✔️ Nausea, vomiting ✔️ Muscular pain ✔️ Seizurea ✔️ Psychosis ✔️ Peripheral Nerve Damage ✔️ Sunburn. Other unwanted effects may occurwhich are not listed. We also learn about levofloxacin tablet Brand name.... ✔️ Uses in detail ✔️ Side effects ✔️ Dosage ✔️ Contraindications and warnings in hindi. Like, share, subscribe Gen medicine points #gen #genmedicinepoints #abhaykumar #levofloxacin #levoflox #levofloxtablet Subscribe my YouTube channel Gen medicine points    / @genmedicinepoints   कृपया इस दवा को खाने से पहले अपने नजदीकी डाक्टर से सलाह अवश्य ले | हम किसी भी दवा को शवयं खाने की सलाह नहीं देते हैं | Please support me.. My dear sister and bro 🙏🙏 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏