How to Make a COMPETITION WINNING Paper Airplane that Flies Really Far — E-34 Bright Star

How to Make a COMPETITION WINNING Paper Airplane that Flies Really Far — E-34 Bright Star

E-34 Bright Star is a Grand Prize winner of the 2023 Foldable Flight Paper Airplane Designer Contest! It looks amazing and flies well too! Designed by Aiden Schable. Get the book: Patreon:   / foldableflight   ________________________________________________________________________________ E-34 Bright Star Designer: Aiden Schable Materials: Square paper Difficulty: Advanced ________________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe to our other channels! Foldable Flight en Español:    / @foldableflightenespanol   Foldable Flight em Português:    / @foldableflightemportugues   Foldable Flight auf Deutsch:    / @foldableflightaufdeutsch