Gyatso and Aang hit us in the feels | Avatar The Last Airbender (Netflix) - 1x5 Group Reaction
Aang, Katarra and Sokka journey into the spirit world as The Normies react to season 1 episode 5 of Netflix's Avatar: The Last Airbender, "Spirited Away." Be sure to stick around after the reaction for our discussion. The moment between Monk Gyatso and Aang was very powerful and hit us in the feels so hard! Weekly schedule: https://www.thenormies.com/ Get EARLY ACCESS or PREMIUM ACCESS to our content as well as other perks on our Patreon: / thenormies FUN STUFF!! MERCH: the-normies-shop.fourthwall.com TOKYOTREAT: Use code "THENORMIES" to receive $5 off for your first #TokyoTreat box through my link: https://team.tokyotreat.com/TheNormies ART OF TEA: Artoftea.com | Use the code NORMIES for 10% off BABBEL: Get 55% off babbel.sjv.io/TheNormies SKILLSHARE: Get 30% off https://skillshare.eqcm.net/c/3587862... Custom Jerseys From DIYOJ: https://www.diyoj.com (10% off Coupon Code: THENORMIES) PAMPLING: Pampling.com | Use the code “TheNormies” to get free pair of socks. Join The Normies Discord Server: / discord SEND THE NORMIES MAIL: PO Box 785 Fishers, IN 46038 FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram: / the_normies Tik Tok: / thenormies Facebook: / thenormiesgroup Twitter: / the_normies Reddit: / thenormies Podcast: / thenormiespodcasts #avatarthelastairbender #netflix #reaction