REDIRECT! Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Season 3 Episodes 29, 30 and 31 reaction

REDIRECT! Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood: Season 3 Episodes 29, 30 and 31 reaction

THE TRUTH ABOUT THE ISHBALAN WAR- NOONE'S A HERO! Omg these episodes were so depressing and really fucked up damn :( And bloody wars happen in real life too with innocent children getting killed too, it's so fucking Hawkeye tells Edward about what really happened in the Ishbalan war all those years ago and how she met Mustang for the first time. As we knew from previous episodes, the Ishbalan war was a war that started with Envy (disguised as a State Alchemist) that piece of shit who shot an innocent Ishbalan child in the fucking head which triggered the war in order for the State Alchemists to take action against the Ishbalans so that they can take the blood of Ishbalans to make philosopher stones in order to make the Homunculi -_- That's some messed up shit...But the truth is, Hawkeye reveals that even the State Alchemists weren't truly innocent during the war as they had to kill innocent people although to be fair, Hawkeye and the others had no choice it seemed...but still, that's just fucked up.. Anyway, Scar finds out from Marcoh that he assisted in the extermination of the Ishbalans and that they had to make philosopher stones and then at the end, Scar destroyed his face so that Envy and the other Homunculi do not recognise him when they're trying to find him because they need Marcoh for the creation of the philosopher stones. That kimblee guy be eating philosopher stones to do powerful alchemy O.o... Still love Mustang and Hawkeye- I ship that hard Here is the link to my reaction: JOIN my Facebook group: LIKE my Facebook page: