5 Editorials - 173 | Naksha Scheme, Fertilizers, Animals as Diagnostic Tool | 02/03/25 | Adil Baig

5 Editorials - 173 | Naksha Scheme, Fertilizers, Animals as Diagnostic Tool | 02/03/25 | Adil Baig

In this initiative, the 5 most relevant Editorials of the week will be picked and discussed it with UPSC CSE Main Examination point of view. Editorial Reserve - 365 Important Editorials for 2024 - A guide for 5 Editorials of the Week Initiative. This PDF is a ready reference guide to any current affairs topic. To Download - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UVRn... 01:40 - Events of the Week - 11:59 - Topics Discussed in 173 Edition 13:45 - 1) NAKSHA Scheme - Digital Land Records Explained – 25th Feb 46:46 - 2) How can Indian farmers be weaned away from urea, DAP and potash? 01:09:35 - 3) Indian Industry needs innovation, not mindless toil – 24th Feb 01:33:20 - 4) Talent shortage, global challenge, India’s opportunity – 24th Feb 01:53:26 - 5) Could African giant pouched rats offer a solution to the challenges of TB diagnosis? JOIN us on Telegram Telegram Channel Name: "KingMakers IAS Academy" Link: https://t.me/kingmakersiasacademy #upsc #hindu #editorials #upscmains #upscmains2024 #upsctamil #upscmotivation #upscprelims #upscprelims2024 #adilsir #tnpscgroup1 #group1mains #threelanguage #hindiimposition #indiausarelation #incometaxbill2025