The Ultimate Beginners Starter Guide in Satisfactory 1.0
The Ultimate Beginners Starter Guide in Satisfactory 1.0 Read More Satisfactory 1.0 is here and it occurred to me that I always assume players have played throughout Early Access so today I thought we should do the Ultimate beginners starter guide to help the newest of players get through the early tutorial before moving on to our perfect starter factory series! Timestamps: 00:00:00 Series Introduction 00:03:05 Planet Fall and Start 00:04:20 Hub Building 00:06:34 Basic Automation 00:11:40 Constructors 00:13:57 Player Customization 00:14:16 Connecting Machines & Build Tips 00:15:30 Automated Mining 00:19:12 Transporting Ores or Mining Outposts? Get a Free pack of Stickers or a Slug Plushie when making orders over $40: https://lizarddoggo.com/discount/TOTA... Low.ms Dedicated Servers: https://low.ms/totalxclipse 20% off your first month use the code: TOTALXCLIPSE My second Channel: / @totalsurvives Grab my blueprints and Save here: / totalxclipse But do not worry, we'll be back with a new lets play series for 1.0! Want to check out my music? Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/1114228... *********************************** AFFILIATES & REFERRALS Purchases using these links may provide some compensation to Totalxclipse ►Dedicated Servers: https://low.ms/totalxclipse 20% off your first month use the code: TOTALXCLIPSE ►Epic Games Code: "TotalXclipse" ►Get a Free pack of Stickers or a Slug Plushie when making orders over $40: https://lizarddoggo.com/discount/TOTA... *********************************** WAYS TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL Become A Patron On Patreon: / totalxclipse Become A YouTube Member: Donate Directly With: ► Youtube Superthanks ► www.paypal.me/Totalxclipse *********************************** Extra Content Check out my copyright free lofi music! Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/1114228... *********************************** FOLLOW ME EVERYWHERE Discord: / discord Twitch: / totalxclipse Twitter: / total_xclipse Instagram: / total_talks_tom Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/1114228... Website: https://satisfactorytips.com *********************************** Live Content Schedule: (BST - September - 2024) STREAMATHON START 10AM ► Mon: 6pm Twitch ► Tue: - 7pm Twitch ► Wed: 6pm Twitch ► Thu: - ► Fri: - ► Sat: 6pm Twitch ► Sun: - *********************************** About: Satisfactory Satisfactory is a first-person open-world factory building game with a dash of exploration and combat. Pioneering for FICSIT Incorporated means charting and exploiting an alien planet, battling alien lifeforms, creating multi-story factories, entering conveyor belt heaven, automating vehicles, and researching new technologies. This Factorio like game has heavy automation, with automated mining, crafting, and you can even automate movement! #TotalXclipse #Satisfactoryupdate8 #Satisfactoryletsplay