Daniel 9, 173,880 days; Crucial time gaps; prayer& fasting; A “shabuwa, or shabuiym” week of years?;

Daniel 9, 173,880 days; Crucial time gaps; prayer& fasting; A “shabuwa, or shabuiym” week of years?;

Here in Daniel 9 we'll consider God's plan for national Israel from 539 BC to 70 AD and beyond to the second coming of Jesus Christ;, Curses And Sworn Judgments; Daniel’s Passion; How Important Is The Daniel 9 Prophecy of 173,880 days?; What is this “shabuwa, or shabuiym” week of years?; Daniel 9 and Isaiah 61:2 have crucial time gaps. A few Key words; Creator, Elohim, God, Jehovah, Jesus, Logos, Creator’s,  God’s  Word, Bible, ruler and judge of the earth, Scripture, Yahveh the all-powerful God, heavens, heaven, eternal life, hell, Egypt, Israel, Old Testament, New Testament, dkooyers, Dave Kooyers, Pastor Dave Kooyers, David L. Kooyers, polemics, apologetic, arguments, atheist, agnostic, religion, salvation in Christ, God the Son incarnate, The Word, the beginning, Alpha and Omega, Judgment Of The Gentiles, ready to meet Jesus Christ, The Kingdom Of Heaven, Eternal Punishment, Eternal life, ethnos, works salvation, In Christ, Christian Witnesses, Christianity, Bible, Scriptures, Gospel of Matthew, New Testament, synoptic gospels, salvation, hermeneutics, exegetical, Bible Study, verse by verse, Pastor Dave Kooyers , Valley Bible Fellowship, ch. Matthew, Chapter Matthew, mat, matt , Kooyers, Genesis, Gen, Exodus, Ex., false prophets, false signs and wonders, another Jesus, a different gospel, False Christs Masquerade As Jesus, Mighty God, Almighty God, Son of Man, Son of God, Son of David, Lamb Of God, able to save completely, every knee will bow and every tongue confess Jesus, angels, Antichrist, apologetics, apostasy, archeology, Armageddon, Bible, Christmas, Church, conference, creation, crucifixion, cults, Daniel, death, end time, eschatology, eternity, EU, evangelism, false prophets, First Coming, second Coming, 2nd advent, 2nd. Coming, genealogy, God, Gog-Magog, apocalypse, end of world, end is near, heaven, hell, hope, interpretation, Islam, Israel, Jesus, Jews, judgment, mark of the beast, middle east politics, Millennial Kingdom, persecution, poll, prophecy fulfilled, Psalm 83, rapture, resource, resurrection, return, Revelation, salvation, Satan, Second Coming, signs, society, technology, Temple Mount, testimony, tour, tribulation, types, United Nations, USA, weather, worship, Christ's return, abortion, agnostic, agnosticism antichrist, apocalypse, apologetics, apostasy, apostles, arab, argument, armageddon, armor, atheism, atheist, bayblon, beleif, belief, believe, bible, bible prophecy, birth, buddha, buddhism, calvin, calvinism, capital punishment, china, christ, christian, christian apologetics, new testament, bible, christianity, christmas, jesus, bethlehem, , revelation, sardis, seven churches, church, civil disobedience,