Narcissistic Parents: How Will They End Up?

Narcissistic Parents: How Will They End Up?

Join my free training ‘Build the real self you were never allowed to have’- In this video, I discuss what ultimately happens to narcissistic parents and the real-life consequences they often face as they age. Understanding this will help you let go of unrealistic expectations, position yourself to protect your well-being, and stay true to yourself—even if they never change or offer their approval. HERE'S HOW I CAN HELP YOU👇🏼 🆓 [START HERE] Join my free training ‘Build the real self you were never allowed to have’- 🔥🔥🔥 ‘Road to Self’ Program: Join 10,000+ people who have transformed their life!- https://www.jerrywiserelationshipsyst... 🔥🔥🔥 Coaching packages- https://www.jerrywiserelationshipsyst... ➡️ RECOMMENDED PLAYLISTS: ** Break Free from Narcissistic Parents & Families-    • Break Free from Narcissistic Parents ...   ** Escape family roles (Scapegoat, hero, golden child, black sheep)-    • Escape Family Roles: Scapegoat, Hero,...   ** Overcome Toxic Guilt & Shame -    • Overcome Toxic Guilt & Shame   ** Going No/Low Contact with Narcissistic Family-    • Going No-Contact with Narcissistic Fa...   ** Build Your True Self-    • Self-Differentiation: Build Your True...   🌐 More free resources available on my website: https://www.jerrywiserelationshipsyst... ➡️ FOLLOW ME: Instagram:   / jerrytwise   Facebook:   / jerrytwise   Twitter:   / jerrytwise   Spotify: Jerry Wise, MA, MS, CLC, has helped 10,000s of people heal from family dysfunction and become the true self they were never allowed to be. As a family systems and self-differentiation coach, he leverages 45 years of experience to help clients permanently break free from family-of-origin dysfunction, cultivate healthy relationships, and build a strong sense of self. ***DISCLAIMER: THIS VIDEO IS NOT INTENDED TO SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING. BE SURE TO CONSULT A PROFESSIONAL TO HELP YOU INTEGRATE AND UTILIZE THESE CONCEPTS.***