LIVE CATHOLIC 12PM MASS |Sr.Mary Germaine O'Neill Thanksgiving Memorial Mass|October 12, 2024

LIVE CATHOLIC 12PM MASS |Sr.Mary Germaine O'Neill Thanksgiving Memorial Mass|October 12, 2024

TODAY’S REFLECTION Jesus’ response to the woman who praises the womb and the breasts that nurtured him is admirable. He says, “Blessed rather are the ones who hear the word and keep it.” Humanity yearns to relate with God. We know God’s mind through his word. The word communicates God’s mind in every human experience. We should not relate to the word as a distant story, but rather as God who has searched and found us and has given us a valued gift. The gift must be cherished and used properly in tune with the mind of the Giver. Our reading and contact with the word should be with the view of becoming better persons. The word has to effect something positive in us; it has to be internalized so that it bears fruit. Our blessed Mother received the word and bore him in her womb. She also became a disciple of the word. We, like Mary, have to be disciples of the word.