How to get through alternate fast days for beginners | fast weight loss this new year

How to get through alternate fast days for beginners | fast weight loss this new year

NEW YEAR CHALLENGE DOC 👉🏾 Binge Watch this ADF PLAYLIST 👉🏾 FACEBOOK ADF GROUP 👉🏾 HOW TO START 👉🏾 A LIVE beginner's guide to alternate-day fasting to start your weight loss journey this new year. This video includes weight loss tips, tricks, and hacks I used to lose over 60 lbs in 8 months effortlessly and how you can use them to challenge yourself to gain discipline, stop emotional eating or binge eating, shrink your stomach, and get really lean. Heaviest weight: 245 lbs Currently: 190lbs How long: 8 months to lose 60 lbs (APRIL 2021) Height: 5' 10" Build: Athletic Mesomorph (gain muscle easily) Goal: 175 lbs 📧E M A I L📧 [email protected] 📷 P R O D U C T I O N 📷 Camera: Editor: iMovie 💖 A B O U T M E 💖 NY 5'10 Jamaican/American Type 4a/b hair I appreciate you! Best, Colleen *FTC Disclosure: This post or video contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through my links. Your support of my channel is much appreciated. **Sending items does not guarantee promotion or a channel feature. If I truly like the product, I will share it with my viewers or incorporate it into my lifestyle. Alternate day fasting, Alternate day fasting results, Alternate day fasting for beginners, How to start intermittent fasting, Best intermittent fasting for weight loss, Alternate day fasting benefits, Alternate day fasting weight loss, Alternate day fasting women, lose weight fast, Alternate day fasting vs omad, Alternate day fasting vs intermittent fasting, Alternate day fasting before and after, Intermittent fasting for women, Lose weight fast, Lose fat not muscle, Shrink belly fat #alternatedayfasting #weightloss #intermittentfasting