God Will Restore All Your Wasted Years! | Morning Prayer to START YOUR DAY

God Will Restore All Your Wasted Years! | Morning Prayer to START YOUR DAY

Are you struggling with regret, lost time, and missed opportunities? Do you feel like the best years of your life are behind you or have been wasted? God is a God of restoration! 🙌🔥 In this powerful morning prayer, we declare God’s promise to restore all your wasted years (Joel 2:25). No matter how much time you feel has been lost, God can redeem, renew, and restore! 💫 Your best years are yet to come! This inspirational prayer will uplift your spirit, strengthen your faith, and remind you that your story is not over! God is working behind the scenes, preparing a breakthrough that will make up for all you’ve lost. He can accelerate your blessings, restore what was stolen, and bring beauty from your ashes. 💖 God Will Restore All Your Wasted Years! | Morning Prayer to START YOUR DAY OUTLINE: 00:00:00 God, Restore All The Years I Wasted 00:00:38 Prayer for God's Restoration 00:01:51 Lord, I Need You to Restore What Was Lost 00:03:30 God, Show Me That Nothing Was Wasted 00:05:19 Lord, Teach Me to Trust Your Timing 00:06:55 God, Help Me Walk in Confidence 00:07:59 Lord, Use Me for Your Glory 00:08:59 God, I Receive My Restoration 00:09:45 Let God Restore Your Wasted Years Today! 🙏 If this prayer blesses you, be sure to LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE it with others who need encouragement! Don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE and turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss a prayer that strengthens your walk with God. ✨ 📖 Featured Bible Verse: Joel 2:25 – "I will restore to you the years that the locust has eaten." 💬 Comment below: Do you believe God can restore your wasted years? Let’s encourage one another in faith! 👉Watch more Christian motivational and inspirational videos to help you in your spiritual journey here ▶️    • Glorious Life Daily Prayer and Devoti...   *All content on 'A Glorious Life' is owned and copyrighted or licensed by A Glorious Life. Please do not use or reuse any videos, audio, images, or written content without explicit permission. Thank you for respecting the originality of this channel's work. This prayer is for you if you're searching for: morning prayer, God will restore, prayer for restoration, powerful morning prayer, prayer for lost time, God’s promises, prayer for breakthrough, trust in God’s timing, prayer for wasted years, God’s plan, Christian motivation, spiritual encouragement, inspirational prayer, reclaiming lost time, prophetic prayer #morningprayer #faith #breakthrough #trustgod #christianmotivation #encouragement #bibleverses #propheticprayers #godstiming #upliftingprayers #spiritualgrowth #godspromises #prayerandpurpose #christian #god #jesus #christianfaith #dailydevotion #godwillrestore #prayerforrestoration #morningroutine