Let's Speak Korean 2(Ep.48) This is my third one for today  - 벌써 3통째야

Let's Speak Korean 2(Ep.48) This is my third one for today - 벌써 3통째야

- Stephen: I received a spam message again - Lisa: These days there are just too many of those, right? - Stephen: This is my third one for today - Lisa: There might be a way that blocks those spams Konglish Expression wake-up call - Stephen: 스팸 문자가 또 왔네 - Lisa: 정말 요즘 스팸 문자가 너무 심하지? - Stephen: 오늘 이게 벌써 3통째야 - Lisa: 스팸 문자는 수신 거부하는 방법 없나? 콩글리쉬 표현 모닝콜