Scary TRUE Alien Stories And UFO Encounters - Are Aliens and Owls Connected?

Scary TRUE Alien Stories And UFO Encounters - Are Aliens and Owls Connected?

Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to Help Our Channel! - New Stories Every Week! Episode 22 of Skywatcher Stories will terrify you! Our first story dives into the connection between aliens, abductions and owls. In this story we follow a man who has had strange visitors and experiences over his entire life. They started with somone, or something, outside of his window as a child, them morphed into regular owl sightings where owls shouldn't be. Our second terrifying tale is about a group of friends camping in Joshua Tree, California for a bachelor party. Everyone is having a great time until two of them see a bizarre craft that is lighting up the desert floor in the distance. Our third horror story comes to us from a medic and medical transport driver and her partner. On an otherwise normal night in rural Texas, they are transporting a patient from a rural medical center to a larger city hospital when one of them sees something truly out of this world. You won't want to miss this episode! All of our horror stories are real, true short stories, sightings and encounters that we've collected, or that were sent to us directly. We are always looking for more true scary stories, so if you've seen strange lights, UFOs, UAPs, alien abductions, paranormal, or any other bizarre cryptid creatures or mysterious phenomena, please email your story to us at [email protected], and include as much detail as possible. No story is too long! It might make it into the next episode! #owl #owls #alien #aliens #paranormal #texas #joshuatree #scarystories #scary #creepy #story #stories #storytime #horror #horrorstory #horrorstories #ufo #podcast #youtube #alienabduction #abduction #military #nightmare #unexplained #mystery #dark #read #reading #listen #sleep