The Book of Romans (NKJV) | Full Audio Bible with Scrolling text

The Book of Romans (NKJV) | Full Audio Bible with Scrolling text

Summary: Paul was excited about finally being able to minister in this church, and everyone was well aware of this (Rom. 1:8-15). Paul wrote the Epistle to the Romans while in Corinth just before traveling to Jerusalem to deliver the alms provided for the poor saints there. He planned to go to Rome and then to Savannah (Spain) (Rom 15:24). However, his plans were interrupted when he was arrested in Jerusalem. He ended up going to Rome as a prisoner. It is likely that Phoebe, a member of the church at Cenchrea near Corinth (Rom. 16:1), delivered this letter to Rome. The book of Romans contains mainly doctrine and can be divided into four parts: Need righteousness (Rom 1:18-3:20), Provide righteousness (Rom 3:21-8:39), Advocate righteousness (Rom 9:1-11:36), Practice righteousness (Rom 9:1-11:36) Romans 12:1-15:13). Obviously, the main subject of this letter is righteousness. Paul, guided by the Holy Spirit, first condemns all people as being full of sin. He expresses a desire to spread the truth of God's Word to the people in Rome. It was his desire to make sure they were staying on the right track. He powerfully proclaims that he is not at all ashamed of the gospel, because it has the power to save everyone (Rom. 1:16). Romans tells us who God is and what He has done. Romans tells us about Jesus Christ and what His death accomplished. The letter tells us about ourselves, what we were like without Christ, and who we are after putting our trust in Christ. Paul points out that God does not require people to put their lives right unless they come to Christ. Christ died on the cross for our sins while we were still sinners. ㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡㅡ 🚩Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE If you like this Video #bible #nkjv #newkingjamesversion #audiobible #romans