Greek Orthodox Matins/Orthros & Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom 13th Sunday of Luke 11/27/22
LIVE High Definition (HD) broadcast of the Greek Orthodox Matins (Orthros/Morning Prayers) and Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom commemorating the 13th Sunday of Luke. The Eastern Orthodox service is conducted mainly using English and Greek and streamed LIVE from Saint Mark Greek Orthodox Church in Boca Raton, Florida. Please Light a Candle & Say a Prayer at https://saintmarkboca.square.site/ Matins Gospel Reading: Mark 16:1-8 Epistle Reading: St. Paul's Letter to the Ephesians 2:14-22 Gospel Reading: Luke 18:18-27 Commemorating: 13th Sunday of Luke, James the Great Martyr of Persia, Nathaniel of Nitria & Pinouphrios of Egypt, the Righteous, Gregory of Sinai and his disciple Gerasimos You can follow the text of the Matins/Orthros at: https://dcs.goarch.org/goa/dcs/p/s/20... You can follow the text of the Divine Liturgy at: https://dcs.goarch.org/goa/dcs/p/s/20... #orthodoxlivestream, #Orthodox, #Service, #English, #Greek, #Matins, #Orthros, #Divine, #Liturgy, #Chrysostom, #GreekOrthodox, #EasternOrthodox, #Sunday, #13th, #Luke