The 4 Types of Autistic Masking

The 4 Types of Autistic Masking

Although the concept of masking/camouflaging has been discussed since the end of the last century (e.g. by Lorna Wing in 1981), much of the research is still relatively new and we have a lot to learn! This video is definitely not an exhaustive list of the types of masking. These are just a few categories that really resonated with me and also seem to fit many anecdotes I've heard from the community. If you're masking another type of neurodivergence, these may apply to you too, but I only have the personal experience of masking as an autistic person. I've also been reading and researching autistic masking specifically. I don't know how much of this would apply to other groups. 🐌 I have a new Patreon community! You can get 2 exclusive videos a month, access to the Discord server, and more 🐌:   / imautisticnowwhat   💛WATCH NEXT💛: Reacting to Fake Disorder Cringe:    • Autistic People are STILL Being Mocke...   The Best Theory of Autism you've probably NEVER heard of...:    • The Best Theory of Autism you've prob...   My Autistic Burnout Story:    • struggling with autistic burn out...   But what does Masking feel like from the Inside?:    • But what does Masking feel like from ...   Taking the CAT-Q (masking questionnaire):    • How to Know if you're Masking...   Taking the CAT-Q with my Husband:    • Does EVERYONE Mask? | Autistic vs Int...   📒 Helpful Resources 📒: Monotropism & Wellbeing: Preventing Burnout: *Autism and Masking: How and Why People Do It, and the Impact It Can Have byby Felicity Sedgewick, Laura Hull, Helen Ellis: 📹 My Videos mentioned 📹: Reacting to Fake Disorder Cringe:    • Autistic People are STILL Being Mocke...   Monotropism:    • The Best Theory of Autism you've prob...   Taking the Monotropism Questionnaire:    • How Autistic is Your Mind?   📒 Sources 📒: Paraplegic is not okay: DSM V: *Autism and Masking: How and Why People Do It, and the Impact It Can Have byby Felicity Sedgewick, Laura Hull, Helen Ellis: Selective Mutism: When the mask comes off: Mothers' experiences of parenting a daughter with autism spectrum condition: Self-reported camouflaging behaviours used by autistic adults during everyday social interactions: *How to Win Friends and Influence people (lol): Autism from the Inside:    / @autismfromtheinside   What does cutting my dreadlocks have to do with Aspergers?:    • What does cutting my dreadlocks have ...   The True Cost Of Autistic Masking (Damaging Effects Of Unconscious Masking):    • The True Cost Of Autistic Masking (Da...   Masking: is it good or bad? Embrace Autism: What misdiagnoses do women with autism spectrum disorder receive in the DSM-5: BPD Mind: Monotropism & Wellbeing (monotropic split): Risk markers for suicidality in autistic adults: Preventing Burnout: Embrace Autism Compensation: Camouflaging in autism: A systematic review: 00:00 Masking isn't real? 02:14 Are you quite stoic or withdrawn? 07:32 Do you people please? 15:15 Is socialising intuitive for you? 16:25 The most exhausting mask 23:14 Masking & wellbeing 24:15 How does masking feel from the inside? 📖 *Books I'd Recommend about Autism 📖 : Different not Less by Chloe Hayden (read if you want to cry): Unmasking Autism by Devon Price: *These are affiliate links. The channel will receive a small commission if you buy anything on Amazon after clicking through with this link. There's no extra cost to you; any money will go towards putting out more content. I'd love to post twice a week and put more time into research for these videos. Thank you so much - I really appreciate every like and comment! DISCLAIMER: I am a second-year psychology student and a late-diagnosed #actuallyautistic individual. I am not a qualified healthcare professional.