[JUNGBUB TALK] Lecture 6253.  How to Differentiate Between an Opportunity and a Test

[JUNGBUB TALK] Lecture 6253. How to Differentiate Between an Opportunity and a Test

Question: This is my personal question. There is one thing I’m confused about differentiating between the two while studying Jungbub. One is that a man will be put to a test during his study, another is that a man will make a new relation that will release him from his difficulties. One day, a person came to me and suggested that I’ll make a fortune if I did as he told me, but I wasn’t so sure if this relation was a test or an opportunity. He sounded pretty convincing to me but since I lack my discernment, I decided to turn down his suggestion. But I’m worried if I had just kicked out my luck. Please teach me how to discern this situation wisely. Date: April 30th, 2017 Location: Washington, US Subscribe:    / user   jungbub2013?sub_confirmation=1 English Subtitle Playlist:    / jungbub2013   playlists?shelf_id=14&view=50&view_as=subscriber&sort=dd Tag: jungbub talks, jungbub English, new paradigm, break all the common sense, new relation right discernment, suicide, test right attitude, listen and observe, accept, opportunity