Harvest Festival, Sunday 26th September 2021

Harvest Festival, Sunday 26th September 2021

The Parish Church of St John the Baptist, West Byfleet Harvest Festival Parish Eucharist, Sunday 26th September 2021 President: Revd Jean Robinson, Assistant Priest Assisted by Revd Keith Elford, Priest-in-charge A service sheet is available by request from [email protected] Permission to stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE with license #A-632345, and/or from CCLi. All rights reserved. Will you support St John’s at this difficult time? Like all charities, we’ve been badly affected by the pandemic, and although we’ve cut costs where possible, we need to substantially increase our income during this year. Your support enables us to continue our regular online worship, pastoral support, and Christian mission in the community (including connecting through weekly Facebook videos with young families). Online donations can be made by clicking the ‘Give Now’ symbol on our website homepage https://www.stjohnswestbyfleet.org.uk. Thank you.