Creased Backdrop tutorial in Photoshop: The Scrunched Texture Overlay Collection
How to add creased backdrops in Photoshop without ruining any of your paper drops! Love them or loathe them, creased crinkly paper backdrops are a huge trend for your clients right now. Guaranteed to grab attention on your socials and get your clients attention fast. I've designed not 10, not 20 but 45 crinkly wrinkly scrunchy creased background overlays you can drag n' drop over your image in Photoshop to instantly add that fashionable rumbled backdrop to your photo in a matter of seconds, without having to ruin any of your own expensive paper backdrops or shoot on an actual scrunched background. These are a mix of paper texture and fabric texture. Download here: https://www.lsp-actions.com/products/...