Farhan Name Meaning in Urdu | Farhan Naam Ka Matlab Kya Hai | Amal Info TV
Farhan (فرحان) is a Muslim boy Name. The farhan Name Meaning in Urdu is "سرور، خوشی". Farhan name is Arabic originated, and the Lucky Number is six (6) which is related/connected with Islamic Name farhan. Also find other important details about farhan name in this Video Like Color, Compatible Stone & Metals, Religion, Language, and Many More..!! #amalinfotv #farhan #boyname -------- 👉 Join this channel to get access to perks: / @amalinfotv -------- 👉 Detail: In this video you will find all kind of details about farhan name meaning in urdu, farhan name meaning in urdu & lucky number, farhan name status, farhan name meaning whatsapp status or if you have any other query so you can ask in the comments section. Thank You. -------- 👉 Follow Amal Info TV: YouTube: / @amalinfotv Instagram: / amalinfotv Twitter: / amalinfotv Linkedin: / amal-info-tv TikTok: @amalinfotv Website: https://www.amalinfotv.com -------- 👉 This video is owned by AMAL INFO TV. Without our permission, you can't use our Video effects, even if you Can't copy data, before reproduction. Kindly Contact Us Via Email.