Worship Service - 16 January 2022 (Epiphany 2) St Paul's Lutheran Church, Nundah, QLD

Worship Service - 16 January 2022 (Epiphany 2) St Paul's Lutheran Church, Nundah, QLD

While some people may think they have little to offer the world, everyone has been endowed by our creator with a set of gifts and skills at some level. The question is how will we use what God has given to us! In our second bible reading today we specifically hear about ‘spiritual’ gifts, given to all of God’s people for the common good. Are these the same gifts as our natural God-given talents that we might use in daily life or are they of a different nature and with a different function or purpose? Today’s sermon briefly examines the spiritual gifts God has given his people and points us to his greatest gift of all—our Lord Jesus Christ!