Gloria Dei Divine Service Live Stream 11/10/24 10:00am, Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church Davie, Florida Sunday Divine Service Live Stream The Rev. George E. Poulos, Jr. Bible study follows the divine service. Link for Bible Study: No Bible Study This Week Today's Bulletin: https://app.lutheranservicebuilder.co... Scripture Lessons: Isaiah 51: 9 - 16 Psalm 126 Colossians 1: 9 - 14 Matthew 9: 18 - 26 Hymns: Processional Hymn: 589 "Speak, O Lord, Your Servant Listens" Sermon Hymn: 741 Jesus Christ, My Sure Defense" Offering Hymn: 763 "When Peace, Like a River" Communion Hymns: 625 "Lord Jesus Christ, Live-Giving Bread" 628 "Your Table I Approach" 630 "Now, My Tongue, the Mystery Telling" Recessional Hymn: 590 "Baptized into Your Name Most Holy" Sermon: "Jesus Takes Away All our Fears" Matthew 9: 18 - 26 Gloria Dei Lutheran Church 7601 SW 39th St. Davie, FL 33328 http://www.gloriadeidavie.org 954-475-0683