Air Quality Detection | Jyothis Central School | AI Project | Class XII | JCS AI Video

Air Quality Detection | Jyothis Central School | AI Project | Class XII | JCS AI Video

The Air Quality Detection is an AI project that aims to develop an intelligent system capable of monitoring and predicting air quality in real time, using a combination of sensor data and machine learning models. Air quality is a critical factor affecting health, the environment, and overall well-being, and this project focuses on leveraging technology to provide more accurate, timely, and accessible air quality assessments. Team Leader:Ashin S Rafi Data Expert:Akmal Anish Information Researcher: Abhijith Raju Designer:Vighnesh.M Prototype Coder:Akmal Anish and Vighnesh. M Video Producer:Sachin Suresh and Shivnand S.D