Fix Hot Spots & Highlight Blowouts with Selective Color in Photoshop

Fix Hot Spots & Highlight Blowouts with Selective Color in Photoshop

Dang! This may be one of the most genius uses I've discovered for fixing Hot Spots in portraits and Color Grading Highlight Blowouts in landscapes. Many people reach for a Luminosity mask for these kinds of corrections, but I've got something that will blow any Luminosity Mask out of the water... the Selective Color Adjustment Layer! You heard that right. How in the heck can Selective Color fix a highlight blowout or portrait Hot Spot? Pretty easily actually. Watch and learn! • Chapters • 00:00 Technique Intro 00:54 Selective Color Quickly Explained 01:54 Relative vs Absolute 02:47 Fixing Hot Spots with Selective Color 05:47 Advanced Use of Selective Color 07:13 Landscape Blowout Fix 08:28 Final Thoughts and Remarks _________________________________________________________________ Do you like the videos I make on YouTube? Want to grow your photography exponentially? 1. Subscribe! subscribers see the content first and are the most likely to succeed in Photoshop 2. Head to the f.64 Academy website and get registered on my subscriber list. I deliver all kinds of extra tips and subscriber-only live events! 3. Become an Elite Member! I take Photoshop to levels you will never see on YouTube for the members of f.64 Elite with courses, critique sessions, members-only events, a community forum, and big discounts on my most premium courses. http:/