In todays video I post a instagram story asking a subscriber in Hawaii if we could come to their home and build them a Betta Fish Tank! This went way better than I planned.. brings me back to when we used to do all these betta fish tanks, and aquarium kit videos! Hope you enjoy😄🐟 🐟PC Aquatics: https://pcaquatics.shop/ Follow our Instagram: / pcaquatic Join PC Members HERE: / @paulcuffaro My MERCH - https://paulcuffarobrand.com Help with PC Farm's wishlist! https://www.amazon.com/registries/gl/... Subscribe to My Second Channel: / @jupitercustomwraps P.O BOX: 8293 Jupiter FL, 33468 Get a personal shoutout from me! Cameo: https://v.cameo.com/TZZ90ggVcdb ADD ME ON ALL SOCIAL MEDIAS Instagram: / paulcuffaro Snapchat: Junopaul TikTok: PaulCuffaro ⚠️Get 10% OFF Koi Fish & Gold Fish using code: CUFFARO at checkout!! NextDayKoi: https://nextdaykoi.com