Chandrayaan 3: Landing and challenges explained. #chandrayaan3 #Dhananjaygiri #isro #lander  #LVM3

Chandrayaan 3: Landing and challenges explained. #chandrayaan3 #Dhananjaygiri #isro #lander #LVM3

Chandrayaan 3 lands on Moon surface on 23 August at 6:04 pm. Chandrayaan 3 landing Chandrayaan 3 live telecast Chandrayaan 3 live Chandrayaan 3 Chandrayaan soft landing on the moon Objectives of Chandrayaan 3 :- 1. To demonstrate Safe and Soft Landing on Lunar Surface 2. To demonstrate Rover roving on the moon and 3.To conduct in-situ scientific experiments Challenges in landing of Chandrayaan 3 on the surface of moon Chandrayaan 3 - How it lands on the moon surface. Chandrayaan 3 landing successful Chandrayaan 3 landing failed #chandrayaan3 #dhananjaygiri #isro #chandrayaan3landing #chandrayaan3landingsuccessful #Chandrayaan3livetelecast #Chandrayaan3live #nasa #rocket #satellite #lander #rover #orbiter #abpnews #lallantop #Republicbharat #ndtv Chandrayaan-3 (Devnagri: चन्द्रयान-3) is the third and most recent lunar Indian Space Research exploration mission under the Chandrayaan programme. It consists of a lander named Vikram and a rover named Pragyan similar to Chandrayaan-2, but does not have an orbiter. Its propulsion module behaves like a communication relay satellite. The propulsion module carries the lander and rover configuration until the spacecraft is in a 100 km lunar orbit. Following Chandrayaan-2, where a last-minute glitch in the landing guidance software led to the lander crashing after entering lunar orbit, another lunar mission was proposed. The launch of Chandrayaan-3 took place on 14 July 2023, at 2:35 pm IST and lunar injection of 100 km circular polar orbit was completed successfully as part of phase one. The lander and rover are expected to land near the lunar south pole region on 23 August 2023. The Chandrayaan-3 mission is a stepping stone towards ISRO’s future interplanetary missions. The key idea is technology demonstration of crucial capability to soft land on lunar surface safely that the earlier mission could not achieve. #chandrayaan3 #dhananjaygiri #isro #nasa #rocket #satellite #lander #rover #orbiter #propulsionmodule #chandrayaan1 #chandrayaan2 #moon #solarsystem #universe #blackhole #science #space #spacescience #softwareglitch #orbit #spacecraft #softlanding #sun #revolution #rotation #chandrayaan2failure #failureanalysisreportofchandrayaan2 #isrovsnasa #615crore #scientist #isroscientist #iiscbangalore #isrovsnasa #indiacreateshistory #wateronlunarsurface #watermoleculesonthemoonsurface #nuh #mewatiriots #haryana #haryananews #haryana #biggboss #salmankhan #rahulgandhi #supremecourt #modi #NDAvsINDIA #jawan #srk #bollywoodsongs #omg2 #gadar2 #nuhmewatnews #nutmewatviolence #haryanariot #communalism #hinduvsmuslim #sanatanivsmuslim #manojmanesar #communalriot #loksabha2024election #modivsrahulgandhi #RaGa #LunarOdyssey #RocketScience #MoonMission #SpaceExploration #ISRO #LunarLanding #LVM3 #MoonSurface #LunarExploration #SpaceTech #IndiaSpace #MoonMission #SpaceJourney #ScienceAndTechnology #SpaceAdventure #LunarScience #LunarRover #MoonLanding #SpaceMission #ExploringTheMoon #InterplanetaryTravel #SpaceMissions #SpaceResearch #SpaceX #MoonRover #Astronomy #OuterSpace #IndiaInSpace #LunarMission #CosmicExploration #SpaceProbe #MoonLandingMission #Chandrayaan #Exploration #SpaceDiscoveries #MoonSurfaceExploration #Astrophysics #RocketLaunch #SpaceNews #ScienceFacts #MoonExploration #LunarMissions #LunarTerrain #MoonSurface #MoonFacts #LunarResearch #MoonProbe #SpaceCommunity #AstronomyFacts #ScienceEducation #SpaceUpdates #Chandrayaan1 #Chandrayaan2 #SpaceEnthusiast #LunarGravity #MoonRocks #SpaceVideo #MoonGeology #IndiaInSpace #LunarMissionAccomplished #MoonLandingExploration #MoonDataCollection #SpaceAchievements #MoonSurfaceMapping #knowledgeable #facts #narendramodi #dhananajaygiri #educationalshorts #chandrayaan3landing #Chandrayaan3landinglive #Chandrayaan3live #dhruvrathee #thedeshbhakt #sochbymohakmangal #nitishrajput #adityasaini #abhiandniyu #bollywoodmusics #music #musicvideo #comedy #comedyvideo #tseries #sonymusic #souravjoshi #flyingbeast #modi #sanatandharma #dhruvrathee #elvisyadav #carryminati #carryislive #thekeralastory #thekashmirfiles #deshbhakt #sochbymohak #abhiandniyu #abpnews #republicbharat #ndtv #aajtak Tags: Chandrayaan 3 landing on the moon Chandrayaan 3 lands on Moon surface on 23 August at 6:04 pm. Chandrayaan 3 landing Chandrayaan 3 live telecast Chandrayaan 3 live Chandrayaan 3 Chandrayaan soft landing on the moon Chandrayaan 3 soft landing "Cosmic Quest: Chandrayaan 3 Unveiled" "To the Moon and Back: Chandrayaan 3's Odyssey" "Chandrayaan 3: Rocketing to the Moon" "Lunar Marvel: The Chandrayaan 3 Science" "Beyond Boundaries: Chandrayaan 3's Lunar Trek" "Chandrayaan 3: Rockets, Rovers & Moon Science" "Unlocking Lunar Mysteries: Chandrayaan 3" "Chandrayaan 3: Rocket Science & Lunar Discovery" "Moon Landing Unveiled: Chandrayaan 3's Journey" "Chandrayaan 3: India's Lunar Adventure" "Chandrayaan 3: From Earth to the Moon" "Journey to the Moon: Chandrayaan 3 Science"