Why do narcissists move on so quickly after the discard? Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Why do narcissists move on so quickly after the discard? Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

Why do narcissists move on so quickly after the discard? Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Why do narcissists move on so quickly after the discard? One of the most frequently asked questions about narcissists in relationships is why and how the narcissist is able to move on so fast after the discard phase. My clients and viewers always want to know why they are left feeling alone, vulnerable and quite frankly, miserable after they've been dumped by a toxic narcissist - and yet somehow the narc seems to be perfectly happy (and often, with a new source of narcissistic supply - another person). In today's vlog, I'll answer that question and fill you in on the best way you can begin to heal and move forward yourself - plus, I'll tell you how to avoid any further pain and humiliation in the process. If you enjoyed this video, please subscribe to my channel! For more information about narcissism and narcissistic abuse, visit http://queenbeeing.com. Join SPAN at http://queenbeeing.com/SPAN Visit http://narcissismsupportcoach.com for my free 5-day email course designed for Narcissistic Abuse Survivors, or make a one-on-one coaching appointment with me at http://narcissisticabuserecovery.online. Check out my books at http://booksangiewrote.com.