Why The Narcissist Move On So Quickly After Discard?! #NARCISSIST #RECOVERY #SUPPLY #COVERT

Why The Narcissist Move On So Quickly After Discard?! #NARCISSIST #RECOVERY #SUPPLY #COVERT

Welcome to my channel!!! I am Justina and channel is based on my past experiences dealing with Narcissistic Abuse and overcoming it. In addition, I will share past experiences with on how to deal with everyday life including family, friends, health, relationships and spirituality! My goal is to help people by giving ideas and tips to prevent them for making the same mistakes I did. However, I understand that nobody is perfect and neither am I but sharing my knowledge on various topics makes me happy! Don’t forget to like, subscribe and click the notification button. For questions, concerns, or advice on how to recover from narcissistic abuse 👇🏾 Not sure if your engaging with a Narcissist or if you have any questions that I can help you with? General Advice on Self Love, Spirituality, Love, Relationships, or You just need somebody that’s willing to listen to you without being judgmental? You need to just vent about your day and how people got you fucked up? Email me @ [email protected] Questions are $25 each I offer phone Coaching as well 30Min Phone Coaching $75 1hour Phone Coach $150 Anything After 1 hour is $200 Cash App: $Justy89 PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/justinajackson89 Also I have Zelle Connect with Me! [email protected] Instagram: Iam_justinanicole   / iam_justinanicole   HELP SUPPORT MY CHANNEL Any amount of donations is welcomed, it will be highly appreciated. Your donation will help show support towards my hard work of research and sharing my personal experiences with you all. In addition, your donations will help me acquire new equipment so I can produce better quality for my videos. Cash app: $Justy89 PayPal: https://www.paypal.me/justinajackson89 #Relationships #NarcissistAbuse #Recovery #CovertNarcissist #Narcissist #Narcissism #NarcissistSupply #SelfLove #Love