Yoga Nidra: Your Open Heart 32 mins - Deep, Mindful Rest. British Female Voice
Yoga Nidra practice – Your Open Heart - created for deep, mindful and restorative rest, led by a British Female voice. This practice focuses on the Metta Loving Kindness meditation. Rooted in the Theravada Buddhist tradition, this is a powerful life-affirming meditation which cultivates unconditional loving-kindness to oneself and to others. It originates over 2,500 years ago and has continued to be adapted for use in many different settings and places. Over centuries, it has spread globally as a proven method for promoting emotional well-being, compassion, and universal love. METTA is the Pali word for ‘Loving Kindness’ which each of us has as our birth-right, and which, in the words of the Tibetan Buddhist, Lama Surya Das..... “is the beginning of all love. It opens the heart and allows us to see the interconnectedness of all beings.” Genuine happiness isn’t dependant on any external circumstance or person. Genuine happiness can only come when we understand that we and we alone are responsible for our own happiness, and this is possible when we cultivate an internal sense of well-being and loving kindness to ourselves. Beginning with the heart. In the place the Buddhist teacher and author Sharon Salzberg calls ‘the divine abode’. As Salzberg also reminds us: “You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere.” It starts with you. It all starts with you. This practice includes all stages of Yoga Nidra with seeds of joy being planted in the Rotation of Consciousness, Opposites of joy and sorrow, Breathwork radiating from our heart’s magnetic field, Rapid Visualisation and Sankalpa. An extended version (40 mins) is also available which includes the Metta Loving Kindness meditation. I hope you enjoy this practice. Lokah Samastah Sukinou Bhavantu: 'May all beings in all realms be happy and free' ________ Yoga Nidra is your secret power! You don’t need to know anything about meditation or yoga to experience its greatest benefits. All you need is a quiet space, headphones, some blankets & pillows, and perhaps an eye mask - then let it all unfold! If you enjoy this video, please like, share, and subscribe for more. All and any comments or feedback are always appreciated. ✅ Music is licensed by Pond5.com Script and spoken audio copyright ⓒ 2024 Kate Rock. All rights reserved. 🔔Deepen your Yoga Nidra practice! Subscribe for more / @nidraworks 🔗Insight Timer https://insighttimer.com/nidraworks ✅ Stay Connected With Me 👉 Facebook: / nidraworksonline 👉 Instagram: / nidraworks 👉 Website: http://www.nidraworks.com/ 📩 For all enquiries: [email protected] ============================= 🎬 Recommended Playlists 👉 Nidra Works - Reposts • Nidra Works - Reposts 👉 Nidra Works - Shorts • Nidra Works - Shorts 🎬 WATCH OTHER VIDEOS: 👉 Yoga Nidra for deep rest: The Presence Within (37 minutes) - British Female Voice • Yoga Nidra For Deep Rest And Relaxati... 👉 Yoga Nidra guided meditation - The Light of Awareness (45 mins) EXTENDED, VOICE ONLY. • (45-Min Female Voice-Only) Yoga Nidra... 👉 Yoga Nidra guided meditation for deep rest: The Light of Awareness (42 mins) British Female Voice • 42 Mins Yoga Nidra Meditation For Dee... 👉 Yoga Nidra on Acceptance (37 minutes) English Female Voice nidraworks • 37-Min Yoga Nidra For Deep Rest With ... 👉 Nidra Works - Yoga Nidra meditation for deep rest (The Rising Sun). 28 mins. British Female Voice. • 28-Min Yoga Nidra For Deep Rest And R... ============================= ⚠️ Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. ✖️ Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Nidra Works - Yoga Nidra with Kate Rock. You are authorised to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. Script and spoken audio copyright ⓒ 2024 Kate Rock. All Rights Reserved. No part of this content, media, or copy may be reproduced or used for Artificial Intelligence. © Nidra Works - Yoga Nidra with Kate Rock