Look a-There - Jez Quayle Original - Rock 'n' Roll/Rockabilly Song

Look a-There - Jez Quayle Original - Rock 'n' Roll/Rockabilly Song

Here's another of my own rock 'n' roll/rockabilly compositions. I got the title from the first lyrics in Eddie Cochran's song, 'Somethin' Else'. If you'd like to play along with me or learn this song, here's a downloadable song sheet containing the lyrics and chords I use: https://jezquaylesongbookhome.files.w... The chords used are A, D and E. You could strum open chords (with a swing rhythm), or if you want to play the song like I do in this video, use the Carl Perkins style, rockabilly boogie riffs and licks I teach in my Tutorial #7:    • Tutorial #7 - Rockabilly Boogie Guita...   . Also check out my Tutorial #3:    • Tutorial #3 - Rockabilly Boogie Guita...