Inducement(IDM) live chart practice  on Crypto , Gold, Oil, USDJPY | EP-3.1

Inducement(IDM) live chart practice on Crypto , Gold, Oil, USDJPY | EP-3.1

Inducement(IDM) को Crypto(BTCUSD), Forex Major currency pair पे कैसे Perfectly Mark करें ! | Live chart practice | Smart Money Concepts(SMC) के बारे में सीखें Starting से Basics of SMC Step by Step ? DISCLAIMER: All the content on these videos is educational or learning purpose only. It is not intended to be investment advice, and viewers should not rely solely on the information provided in these videos to make investment decisions. Any action taken by the viewer based on the information in these videos is solely at their own risk. Viewers are encouraged to seek the advice of their own investment consultants or certified financial advisors before making any investment decisions. Any decision to invest in any securities or financial instruments should be made only after conducting thorough independent research. The app and website and its owners, employees, and affiliates are not responsible for any loss or damages resulting from the use of the information provided in these videos. By accessing and watching these videos, viewers acknowledge and agree to the terms of this disclaimer without restriction or qualification. ************ इन वीडियो की सभी सामग्री केवल शैक्षिक या सीखने के उद्देश्य से है। इसका उद्देश्य निवेश सलाह देना नहीं है, और इन वीडियो में दी गई जानकारी के आधार पर दर्शक द्वारा की गई कोई भी निर्णय पूरी तरह से उनके अपने जोखिम पर है। दर्शकों को कोई भी निवेश निर्णय लेने से पहले अपने स्वयं के निवेश सलाहकारों या प्रमाणित वित्तीय सलाहकारों की सलाह लेने के लिए प्रोत्साहित किया जाता है। निवेश का कोई भी निर्णय अपने सूझ - बुझ पर निर्वर करता हैं ! ये चॅनेल निवेशक का कोई भी वितई हानी का रिस्पांसिबिलिटी नहीं लेता हैं ! ************** Open your Demat account on below Link: 👉 Use below Links to Open Free Exness FOREX Account to Trade Major Currencies - *** Get free access of Forex Advance Learning Group & If deposit to your own Exness Real A/C to Start trade !!! Courses Free 🎁 🔴For any Query & Doubts: - WhatsApp Message: +91 9028603030 ➡ Don't forget to ❣ 👉 SUBSCRIBE 👉 Like 👉 Comment 👉 Share 📌Please Right your suggestion and feedback in comment box. Thankyou. .........THANKS FOR WATCHING......... #SMC #smartmoneyconcepts #bos #choch#inducemnet #orderblock #poi #orderflow Note: If want to Join Free Master class Fundamental of Trading - F & O , Stocks, - Open Demat account and send me Used Id -- will add Premium Learning Group of - Pickpoint Smart Investing @ [email protected] Some short terms used in SMC: OB - Orderblock IFC - Instutionally Funded Candle SC - Sponsored Candle AOI - Area of Interest POI Point of Interest IMB - Imbalance INF - Inefficiency FVG - Fair Value Gap HH - Higher High HL - Higher Low LL - Lower Low LH - Lower High BOS - Break of Structure mBOS - Minor Break of Structure EQH - Equal Highs EQL - Equal Lows LQ – Liquidity EQ - Equilibrium PA - Price Action MTF - Multi Timeframe HTF - Higher Timeframe LTF - Lower Timeframe EOF - Expectational Orderflow LOD - Low of the Day HOD - High of the Day HOW - Hight of the Week LOW - Low of the week RE - Risk Entry CE - Confirmation Entry SL - Stop loss RR - Risk Reward ASR - Advanced Self Review TR - Trading Range BOS - Break of Structure mBOS - Minor Break of Structure MSB - Market structure break CHOCH - Change of character AOI - Area of interest POI - Point of Interest OB - Order Block