EASY Low Calorie Pizza Dough (3 Ingredients)
This healthy pizza dough has just 3 ingredients, and is surprisingly yummy! You can make it easily with just 3 ingredients. 319 Calories | 19 P | 3 F | 52 C 0.5 Cup (125g) Plain Greek Yogurt 0.5 Cup (63g) Flour 1.5 tsp Baking Powder 1.5 tsp Salt Mix until combined. Roll out on a floured surface. Add desired toppings and bake at 450f for 18-20m. ------------------------------- Help SUPPORT the channel by: 1. Grabbing one of my free guides: → https://marrastrength.com 2. Liking, subscribing, and leaving a comment! ------------------------------- [1] Note about dieting for weight loss: I recommend tracking your calorie intake using an application if you want to ensure you're on the right track. Here's my favourite app for that. (the one from the video) MacroFactor: https://macrofactorapp.com/ Use Code MARRA for free trial! ------------------------------- Follow me on social media: INSTAGRAM ‣ / marra_strength ------------------------------- Alternate Titles (for the algorithm): 3 Ingredient Healthy Pizza Dough Low Calorie Pizza Dough with Greek Yogurt For all coaching + biz inquiries email → [email protected]