Bleach Thousand Year Blood War Episode 34 Live Reaction FEEL BAD FOR MAYURI'S ZANPAKUTO!!!!!!!!
This is a cool episode, I guess. We are focusing on the other side of the allies, which is Kenpachi and Mayuri, along with their subordinate. They have run into Pernida, who doesn't look like a human. His ability at first seems to be twisting anything he wants, including body parts, which he did to Kenpachi. Mayuri was just getting more excited about Pernida showing more of his power and we get to see his true form of being the Left arm of the Soul King. Ukitake was the right arm, but Pernida is the left arm so they have different abilities, so it gets more intense later on. Mayuri also unleashed his Bankai but it's not Konjiki Asogijizo but a modified version of it that gets a more nasty technique than the previous one which just ate the Left arm to death I guess. It's not that simple for sure we will be seeing more of this battle in future episodes but I do believe we get and Kyoraku episode for next week and I'm excited for it. Thanks for watching. Subscribe for more.