Halloween Reaction & Halloween Review : Halloween 6 - The Curse of Michael Myers Donald Pleasance

Halloween Reaction & Halloween Review : Halloween 6 - The Curse of Michael Myers Donald Pleasance

Our Halloween 6 SPOILERS REVIEW IS HERE! Dr Loomis, Dr Wynn, The Shape...And Paul Rudd. Tell us in the comments what YOU think of this movie and our review! _____ Why do people always wanna see Michael's face? Halloween Ends is coming this October. TROLL and Voice of Reason pontificate.    • Halloween Ends Michaels Face Revealed...   YOU WANT MORE TROLL!? CHECK OUT OUR PREVIOUS VIDS on HALLOWEEN ENDS & HALLOWEEN KILLS and HALLOWEEN RANKING: Halloween Ends Theory: Will Michael EAT Laurie's Organs?    • Halloween Ends ( Halloween Ends 2022 ...   WARNING: Zero spoilers for Halloween Ends This Halloween Ends theory is nonsense! #halloweenends #halloweenkills #halloween #michaelmyers #lauriestrode Halloween Ends takes place in modern day 2022. So.... WTF was Michael in 2019-2021?    • Halloween Ends ( Halloween Ends 2022 ...   ALSO... Maybe the coof is the ONLY way to stop Michael Myers!! Check out this Halloween Ends theory for Halloween Ends 2022. This HALLOWEEN ENDS film is going to be amazing - hit us up with your comments and be sure to check out our previous Halloween Ends theory videos such as this one:    • Halloween Ends - Dr Loomis Returns Ha...   Halloween Ends : Could Dr Loomis Return in New Flashback?    • Halloween Ends - Dr Loomis Returns Ha...   Is Michael Myers seen as supernatural by the surviving characters of Halloween Ends? Who Should Be The LAST GIRL in Halloween Ends?    • Halloween Ends Who Is The Last Girl? ...   Halloween Ends NEWS & Rumors!    • Halloween Ends & Halloween Ends News ...   Halloween ENDS: The Audience Storms OUT!!!    • Halloween Ends - David Gorden Green o...   Halloween Kills : Why Karen's Death Was PERSONAL    • Halloween Ends : Karen's Death Was Pe...