Paulist Center - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week's order of worship: http://www.paulistcenter.org/wp-conte... Join us for Mass to celebrate the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time at the Paulist Center at 10:00am on July 25, 2021. This weekend's 5% Community Gift will go to St. Francis & St. Therese Catholic Worker House. To give to the Paulist Center, please visit https://tinyurl.com/DonatePaulistCenter or text your whole dollar donation amount to 844-899-7511. Thank you for your generosity. Today’s community gift will benefit St. Francis & St. Therese Catholic Worker House. Located In Worcester, MA. they provide housing for emergency shelter in addition to two meals a day and laundry twice a week. The program is available from anywhere between two and three weeks.